About Us


Tennis Coach Ireland (originally the Tennis Ireland Coaches Association) was formed in 1992 by a group of coaches who felt that those teaching the game would benefit from a strong representative voice. The Association has now grown to over 200 members from all parts of Ireland.

Our function is to inform and represent coaches of Ireland on all matters related to teaching the game. From its inception Tennis Coach Ireland has been affiliated to and worked closely with Tennis Ireland, the games National Governing Body.

If you are looking for a coach, and want the best, always insist on a Tennis Coach Ireland coach.





The Association to be known as ‘Tennis Coach Ireland’, a recognised body within Tennis Ireland.


(a) To further the interest of the game of Tennis.

(b) To improve and develop standard of Tennis.

(c) To act as the accepted and recognised professional association of coaches of tennis and to safeguard coaches interests.

(d) To administer and employ the funds of the Association, in such a manner as shall be deemed best to achieve objectives (a), (b) and (c) on behalf of its members past and present.


The Association shall consist of:

(a) Members – being coaches who have successfully completed Tennis Ireland Examinations or any other award recognised by Tennis Ireland and the Tennis Coach Ireland subject to the payment of their dues and their observance of the Rules of the Association.

(b) Honorary Members – being persons who in the opinion of the Executive Committee have or may have rendered valuable services to the Association and are duly elected by the Executive Committee

(c) Associate Members who shall pay such a fee as may be nominated by the Executive Committee from time to time and shall not be regarded as full members and shall not be entitled to vote at any general meeting of the Association whether Annual or Extraordinary. They may attend General Meetings.


(a) Only Members and Honorary Members, as defined in 3(a) and 3(b), shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee.

(b) Only current members shall attend the A.G.M.

(c) All members shall be subject to the Rules of the Association.


(a) The Management and control of the affairs of the Association shall be primarily vested in an Executive Committee.

(b) The Executive Committee shall consist of:-

A Chairperson, six ordinary members and the Coach Development Officer. The executive may co-opt members to the committee during the year.

(c) Terms of Office shall be for one year.

   At least two members must be level two coaches or above.

(d) A quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be four.

(e) In the event of any vacancies occurring in the offices of the Association or in the Executive Committees at any time, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill such vacancies until the following Annual General Meeting, wherein, any persons elected to fill such vacancies, shall only serve out the appropriate term of office under the Rules.

(f) The Executive Committee may from time to time appoint Sub-Committees as necessary.

(g) The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times annually and at any other such times as may be necessary.

(h) All matters not agreed upon unanimously by the Executive Committee shall be decided by the votes of the majority and in case the votes shall be divided equally the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

(i) The Executive Committee may from time to time make bye-laws for the good management, control and conduct of the Association provided that the same would not be inconsistent with or opposed to the Constitution or Rules of the Association. Such bye-laws shall be submitted for endorsement at the next Annual General Meeting of the Association.


Nominations for the Chairperson and the Executive Committee may be made

(a) to the Executive committee not later than ten days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting.


(b) at the Annual General Meeting, if and only if, insufficient nominations have been made not later than ten days prior to the date of the AGM.’

Nominations must be proposed and seconded.


(a) An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held once in each Calendar year. The Executive Committee shall be elected each year at this Meeting.

(b) The Executive Committee shall upon receipt of a requisition in writing and signed by not less than thirty per cent of the members of the Association, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any requisition shall express the object of the meeting proposed to be called and shall be delivered to the Executive Committee.

(c) Twenty one days notice at least of every General Meeting, specifying the day and hour of the meeting and, in case of special business , the general nature of such business shall be given to each member, save for Motions, in which event paragraph 8 hereof applies.

(d) Any notice required to be served under the Constitution or the Rules shall be deemed to be duly served by posting or by sending email to the usual, or at last known, address of the person as is recorded in the Register of the Association.

(e) At any General Meeting fifteen members shall form a quorum.

(f) The Chairperson shall preside as Chairperson at every General Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting of the Association. If the Chairperson be absent, the members there present shall choose a Chairperson of such meeting.

(g) Only current members personally present at the General Meeting may exercise a vote in respect of any motions or Nominations.

(h) All motions submitted by the Executive Committee shall require a simple majority vote from the floor.

(i) All motions submitted from the floor shall require a two-third majority.


Particulars of motions to be moved at General Meetings shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than seven days prior to the date of such General Meeting and such Motions shall bear the signature of the Proposer and Seconder thereto.


The Executive Committee shall cause to be kept true accounts of the monies received and expended for or on account of the Association and of the assets, credits and liabilities of the Association. The accounts shall be audited by an Auditor or auditors and a Balance Sheet containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the Association shall be made out and a copy of such Balance Sheet shall be made available to each member at the Annual General Meeting. At every Annual General Meeting, an auditor or auditors, not being a member or members of the Executive Committee shall be elected to serve for the ensuing year. A vacancy occurring in the office of auditor(s) during the year shall be filled by the Executive Committee. The Auditors’ comments upon the Accounts and any recommendations arising there from shall accompany the Accounts.


(a) A person shall be liable to expulsion by failure to observe the provisions hereof or any Rules, or Bye-laws, for the time being of the Association, or shall in the judgement of the Executive Committee have been guilty of any unprofessional, unethical, or improper conduct.

(b) Such alleged contravention of the Association’s Rules shall be examined by the Executive Committee who may choose to have legal advisor in attendance.

(c) Any such decision as in (b) shall be subject to an appeal.

(d) Any appeal as in (c) shall be heard by the Appeals Committee which shall consist of an Officer of Tennis Ireland who shall preside at the appeal, one non-executive Tennis Coach Ireland member and an independent legally qualified person appointed by the chairman of the appeals Committee and the non-executive Tennis Coach Ireland member who shall be acceptable to the Executive Committee, Tennis Coach Ireland and the appellant member.


The Registration fees shall be fixed annually by a majority vote at the A.G.M.


(a) Any motion for the dissolution of the Association shall be passed by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote at a Tennis Coach Ireland General Meeting.

(b) Any such resolution for dissolution shall be subject to confirmation at a Special General Meeting of the Association held not less than one month and not more than two months after the original Special Meeting at which the motion for dissolution was passed.

(c) At the Special Meeting as in (b) the majority in favour of dissolution must be two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote.

(d) Consequent upon confirmation of dissolution as in (c) the Executive Committee shall proceed to wind up the Association in an appropriate manner.


The Rules of the Association may be altered or varied or new Rules made by any General Meeting provided always that particulars of any proposed alteration, variation or new Rules are specified in the notice convening such General Meeting and in the event carried in accordance with rule 7 (h) and (i).


(a) In the construction of these Rules unless the contrary intention appears,

(i) words importing the masculine gender shall embrace females and

(ii) words in the singular shall include the plural, and words in the plural shall include the singular.

(b) The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these Rules and of the bye-laws thereunder and the decision of the Executive Committee upon or touching any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Association and not provided for by these Rules shall be final and binding upon all members.


liam-cassidyName: Liam Cassidy
Position: Chairman
Phone: 085 1510701
Email: liam.cassidy@tenniscoachireland.ie

peter-farrellName: Peter Farrell
Position: CDO
Phone: 086 822 8235
Email: peter.farrell@tenniscoachireland.ie

Kieran GalvinName: Kieran Galvin
Position: Treasurer
Phone: 086 210 0440
Email: kierangalvin30@gmail.com

nicki-herbertName: Nicki Herbert
Position: Financial Administrator
Phone: 085 189 8600
Email: nicki.herbert@tenniscoachireland.ie

STEPHEN-GARVINName: Stephen Garvin
Position: Ulster Rep
Phone: +44 7734 252 334
Email: stephen@citennisacademy.co.uk

Dave MileyName: Dave Miley
Position: Board Member
Phone: +44 7768 598480
Email: Dave.miley9@gmail.com

Chris HaliganName: Chris Halligan
Position: Board Member
Phone: c/o 085 151 0701
Email: c/o liam.cassidy@tenniscoachireland.ie